Carcass Crawler Issue 3
Carcass Crawler Issue 3
Format: 32-page zine + PDF.
Authors: Gavin Norman, Donn Stroud. Cover artist: Jacob Fleming.
The Official Old-School Essentials Zine
The third issue of Carcass Crawler—the official Old-School Essentials zine! Each issue of Carcass Crawler is packed with new material for your games, including new character classes and races, new spells and magic items, new monsters, optional and expanded rules, referee advice, previews of in-development products, short adventures, and more.
New classes: Five new character classes. The beast master, the dragonborn, the mutoid, the mycelian, and the tiefling.
- New races: Four new character races for Advanced Fantasy games. The dragonborn, the mutoid, the mycelian, and the tiefling.
Expanded adventuring gear: 40 new adventuring gear items to increase adventuring options and character customisation.
- Expanded armour and weapons: 7 new weapons and 5 new types of armour, inspired by types available in the 1970s Advanced 1st Edition rules and the 1984 Companion rules.
- Woodland monsters: 8 brand new monsters that lurk in the deep, shadowed glades and sacred groves of ancient forests beyond civilized lands.
- Monster creation guidelines: Referee guidelines for creating new monsters for Old-School Essentials games. Keep the game fresh (and players on their toes) by devising your own new horrors and foes.