Playtest Dark Powers, Discover New OSE Content & Claim Your Treasure!

Playtest Dark Powers, Discover New OSE Content & Claim Your Treasure!

Necrotic Gnome

OSE Demons & Devils Playtest!

We’re brewing up some wicked new material for Old-School Essentials as part of our upcoming as-yet-untitled Demons & Devils supplement! Now, the first fiendish features are ready to be unleashed in your campaign—if you dare. Bold referees can now join our playtest for early access to these occult secrets (evil laughter encouraged).

Initial playtest material will include the following (with more to be added in later playtest rounds):

  • Demonic deities and their cults.
  • Descriptions of hellish outer planes.
  • Lots of new monsters, ranging from low Hit Dice demonic familiars and grunts up to mighty fiends of 10+ HD.
  • Rules for summoning and binding these fiendish entities.

Rather than a structured adventure or ‘canon’ sourcebook, this material is designed as a toolbox—a collection of modular elements referees can seamlessly integrate into their campaigns, allowing maximum flexibility in worldbuilding and gameplay.

Dare you call forth the forces of darkness and offer feedback on fiends? Join the ritual here.

Join the Dolmenwood & OSE Fan Communities on Reddit!

Did you know that there are dedicated subreddits for Old-School Essentials and Dolmenwood? Whether you’re looking to share ideas, ask questions, or connect with fellow adventurers and referees, you can find sage advice and like-minded seekers at:

r/OSE – The hub for classic fantasy gaming! Discuss rules, tweaks, session recaps, and adventure ideas with a thriving community of OSR enthusiasts.

r/Dolmentown – Immerse yourself in the eerie world of Dolmenwood! r/Dolmentown recently turned one year old and has grown into a thriving community sharing lore discussions, homebrew material, art, and actual play reports. Following the release of Dolmenwood, we’re excited to see such community spirit form around the new game and invite you to visit Dolmentown and engage in mossy camaraderie.

Survivors of Frith

The latest offering from Unsound Methods, creator of the critically acclaimed The Oneiric Hinterlands, Survivors of Frith is a post-apocalyptic sandbox campaign for OSE. It features eight sprawling dungeons on the ruined island of Frith, designed to take 4-6 characters from 1st to 7th level as they fight for survival in a shattered world. 

Looking for some meaty, sci-fi-infused fantasy for long-term play? Then pick up Survivors of Frith and delve into the magma-filled dwarven city of Mottle, infiltrate the grim Fane of the Ghoul King, and brave the stars to uncover the mysteries of the mothership of the slug-men!

Get it on DriveThruRPG

Check out exciting new products, content, and Kickstarters from third-party OSE creators:

Want to submit your creations for a shout-out in the newsletter? Send them to

This week’s treasure offers power at a price, with a pair of protective items for players to don at their peril:


Penitent’s Plate Mail, +3

Crimson plate with cruel internal barbs.

Clarity through pain: Grants a +3 save bonus against sleepcharm, and fear effects.

Mortification: In combat, the wearer suffers 1hp of damage per round.


Soulfire Pendant

When worn, its central jewel pulses with a faint, warm light.

Spirit flame: Wearer is immune to level drain attacks.

Curse of conflagration: The pendant can only be removed with remove curse or a wish. Upon death, the item and wearer explode into a fire ball (as spell) with as many dice of damage as their Hit Dice. 

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