Necrotic Gnome DTRPG Deals, Dolmenwood Rules Reference Live, and more!

Necrotic Gnome DTRPG Deals, Dolmenwood Rules Reference Live, and more!

Necrotic Gnome

Dolmenwood Official Rules Reference Site

The mysterious realm of Dolmenwood is brimming with arcane secrets—but the game rules aren’t among them! 

Now, you can easily access the official Dolmenwood rules online! Our new website provides everything players need to embark on their adventures, from core mechanics to character creation, conveniently accessible from your device.

Ready to dive into Dolmenwood with this companion by your side? Use our handy online character creator to roll up a fully fleshed-out adventurer and embark on your journey!

Note: This website is a core rules reference only. For the full-fat experience, including setting detail, magic items, appendices, monsters, maps, and gorgeous art, pick up the Dolmenwood core rulebooks.

Dolmenwood Rules Reference

Dolmenwood Character Creator

Demons & Devils Playtest – Thank You!

We’d like to thank everyone who signed up for the OSE Demons & Devils playtest! We’re thrilled by your enthusiasm and can’t wait to share the first wave of materials.

We’re currently finalising the initial playtest packet, which will include demonic deities, infernal minions, and summoning mechanics. Expect to receive it in April, along with guidance on providing feedback.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thanks again for helping shape this dark and diabolical addition to Old-School Essentials!

Necrotic Gnome GM’s Day Sales on DTRPG!

DriveThruRPG’s GM's day sales are live, featuring discounts of up to 40% across the Necrotic Gnome product range, including OSE core books, adventures, Carcass Crawler zines, VTT modules, and more!

Now’s the perfect time to expand your collection! Don’t miss out—these discounts vanish after March 16!

Browse Necrotic Gnome deals!

Exciting new OSE content, deals, and Kickstarters from third-party creators:

Also, check out the Ultimate OSR Map by RedMageGM on YouTube, which creatively combines locations and adventures from Dolmenwood, OSE modules, third-party creators, and other OSR products into one wide-ranging overland map.

Have a third-party project that you’d like to be featured in the newsletter? Send it to

An agile humanoid lurks in the rafters to pounce on unsuspecting explorers:


No legs, no neck, just four muscular arms and a grotesque human-like face set into their spherical bodies. These bizarre creatures are recruited from their remote home to serve as guardians of boreal gardens, rooftops, and ship’s riggings. They supplement their cartwheeling fighting style with scythed manacles.


AC 6 [13], HD 2 (8hp), Att 4 × scythe (1d4) 1 x bite (1d3), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 120′ (40′), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 8, AL Neutral, XP 20, NA 1d6 (3d10), TT B


Cartwheel: AC 4 [15] versus missile attacks.

Pounce: Gain +4 to hit if they start the round up a tree, roof, rigging, etc.

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