Dolmenwood Core Rules

Following yesterday's announcement about Dolmenwood being a standalone game, I wanted to give some more details about what that looks like from a rules standpoint, compared with B/X / OSE. The reason for each change is explained below, the overall aims being:

  1. To streamline presentation and make the game easier for newcomers to pick up.
  2. To maintain compatibility with OSE and other old-school games.

Caveat: Everything written here is provisional / work in progress.

[Updated May 2023]

Core Rules: Mechanical Changes

Just one. Removing descending Armour Class / THAC0 / the attack matrix.

Reason: Ascending AC is a bit easier for complete newcomers to understand, is much easier to explain, and is already familiar to the vast majority of gamers (via D&D 3, 4, 5 and their associated ecosystems). The standard OSE dual format ("AC 8 [11]") looks arcane and confusing for new players.

Core Rules: Presentation Changes

Adventuring Skills

There are a bunch of X-in-6 based skills common to all character classes hidden away in B/X (e.g. listening at doors, searching for traps, the surprise roll, etc). Dolmenwood will present these as a skill system, rather than as ad hoc rolls. There will be 3 skills: Listen, Search, Survival. The underlying mechanic for these checks remains the same (i.e. X-in-6 chance of success, with certain races / classes getting an improved chance of success).

Reason: Explaining this "hidden skills system" explicitly makes it easier to understand and apply.

Saving Throw Categories

Dolmenwood will use slightly different names for the 5 save categories: Doom, Ray, Hold, Blast, Spell. The mechanic for rolling saves remains the same.

  • Doom: Effects that instantly kill or inflict ongoing physical malignities—for example, poison, disease, death magic.
  • Ray: Rapidly moving, directional effects that can be dodged—for example, energy rays, magic wands.
  • Hold: Effects that hinder or prevent movement—for example, paralysis, petrification, falling rocks that may crush or pin characters.
  • Blast: Lethal energy effects that fill a wide area—for example, wyrm breath, explosions.
  • Spell: Potent, directly targeted effects—for example, arcane or holy spells, fairy glamours, magic staves or scrolls.

Reason: This makes the save categories more broadly applicable (e.g. Ray instead of Magic Wand, Blast instead of Breath Attack), which makes them easier to understand and apply.

Movement Rates

Are noted in a simplified format: "Speed 40", rather than "MR 120' (40')"

Reason: Exploration speed (the "120'" in the example) rarely matters for monsters. It's just noise to include it in all stat blocks.

Hit Dice

Monster Hit Dice are being reframed as monster Level (to match PC level).

Reason: Hit Dice is an odd term that means pretty much the same as another term that already exists: level. Melding the two terms makes the game easier to understand.

Character Creation: Changes

Separate Race + Class

The race + class character creation method is the default, with race-as-class options presented in the appendix. Note that the method of character creation doesn't affect the core game rules in any way. A race-as-class Halfling created using the B/X rules can adventure alongside a race + class Grimalkin Hunter without issue.

Reason: OSE presents two methods of character creation: one based on B/X, the other based on AD&D. The two different methods make sense to people versed in D&D history, but are a really common point of confusion for newcomers. Zoning in on just a single method makes the game much easier to understand. The vast majority of players are already familiar with the race + class option, making it the obvious choice.

Standard Classes

Dolmenwood will include the standard cleric, fighter, thief, and magic-user  classes. (In addition to the following Dolmenwood-specific classes: enchanter, friar, hunter, knight, minstrel. A total of 9 classes.) Each of the standard classes will have some minor tweaks, tying it in with the setting and/or adding some common house rules. As noted above for races, a standard B/X thief will be able to adventure alongside a Dolmenwood thief without issue, should players wish.

  • Cleric: Can use any type of weapon, but only holy magic weapons. Chooses to be a member of one of 3 Dolmenwood holy orders, each granting a small class ability.
  • Fighter: Gain a combat talent every 4 levels, from level 2.
  • Magic-user: Use the AD&D style spell book rules (see OSE Advanced Fantasy). Roll or choose from a list of starting spell books. Gain detect magic as an X-in-6 class skill (each attempt takes 1 turn).
  • Thief: Use X-in-6 skills across the board, unified with the general adventuring skills framework. Optional point buy system for skill improvement.

Reason: Cleaning things up a bit, better tying things in with the setting, and adding a few extra abilities to classes that are commonly house ruled.

Referee-Facing Stuff

Monster #Appearing

Will be listed in a simplified format. (The exact format isn't yet finalised.)

Reason: The B/X #Appearing format is very weird and confusing.

Treasure Types

These will be replaced by a new system of letter codes and treasure tables separately listing Coins, Riches (gems, jewellery, art objects), and Magic. Each list will be sorted in order of average value, making it easy to choose a treasure type by looking down the list. (There'll be a 1:1 conversion guide from the B/X treasure types, for those who need it.)

Reason: The B/X treasure types don't follow any kind of pattern, making them difficult to understand and use.

Monster Tags

Monsters will be listed with "tags" noting their size (small, medium, large), creature type (fairy, undead, animal, etc), and intelligence (mindless, animal, low, etc).

Reason: This simple addition clarifies a lot of other rules, for example which monsters count as "larger than human-sized" for the sake of small characters gaining an AC bonus.


There'll be a bunch of tiny changes and additions here and there, such as:

  • Slow weapons: Removing this rule as virtually no one uses it.
  • Rations: Stating how long rations of each type remain fresh.
  • Crossbows: Making them armour piercing (+2 to attack vs metal armour), to counteract their Reload downside.
  • Battle axes: Now one-handed.
  • Silver: Specifying the cost of making silver weapons of any kind (i.e. not just daggers and arrows).

Reason: Adding useful little details, clearing up minor rules.

Old-School Essentials

Just to reiterate from yesterday's post: our intent with OSE is as follows:

  • Continue reprinting and publishing the game in its current form.
  • At some point in the future (perhaps 2024?) start work on a revised, non-OGL version. (Despite WOTC's current stance on the OGL v1.0a remaining in place, we feel the best approach in the long run is to move away from it, to avoid potential future rug-pulling attempts.)
  • The non-OGL revision will just involve re-editing the text to remove verbatim wording derived from Open Game Content material. The game itself won't change.
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I mean, that all sounds absolutely amazing. Love the x-in-6 skill changes. Love the save changes. Love wizards x-in-6 magic. It all sounds like basically B/X via OSE but even cleaner, plus Dolmenwood flavour etc.

Except race +class. That’s a terrible idea.

The worst.

I’ll fight you on it.

…I mean. …Obviously I won’t. I’ll just back the Kickstarter, tell everyone how amazing the game is, and then just house rule the races back to race-as-class.

Anyway. Thanks for the update. Sounds amazing. Very excited.

(Seriously. Keep race-as-class. Every game does race plus class plus background plus star sign plus blood type. There’s something really playable and quirky and intriguing about race-as-class that I really don’t think you should give up.)


All very sensible changes. I like them!

Kelvin Green

I hope that you will still include some provisions for thosewho want to stick to Dolmenwood using the OSE rule set. Either way, still pretty interested in this.

Bok Gil

Thanks for the update!

I like most of these tweaks – they solve a lot of the oddities and issues of straight B/X. They seem to represent a very solid set of rules that many people have converged on over the years (other than using level instead of HD – level gets used for too many things already).

On the other hand, I can’t say I’m a fan of baking them in to the Dolmenwood setting books. I’d prefer the rulebooks and setting books remain as separate things.


Just leaving my 2 cents here.

I’d love to see race as class as an option at least for the unique Dolmenwood creatures. I thought it made them feel a lot more special and beyond the bounds of human society. While it makes sense for Goatfolk to have a range of classes similar to humans, I’d find it odd in the fantasy to have a woodgrue knight, for example.
All other changes make a lot of sense, but as these classes do not exist in race-as-class format in OSE or any other material I feel like it restricts a bit the choice of play style.
Just as a note, I am new to old school play and I found race as class easier to understand that what I was used to ( race+class ), but of course this is purely anecdotal.

I’m sure the final product will be amazing regardless and can’t wait to get my hands on it! Thank you for your time and the geat work!

Franco Galz

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